Before Sarah we felt we had tried all the interventions we had been recommended including regular psychological support, medication, school based intervention, tutoring but were still floundering on a daily basis to see positive long lasting impacts. Frustration and family conflict would bubble to the surface frequently; I personally was finding the challenge of navigating a positive path for my child particularly difficult. Sarah’s weekly coaching sessions have seen productive processes adopted by my boy and a lasting peace descend on our home. I could not recommend her enough.
Thank you Sarah.
ADHD Coaching
(Including parents of under 18's)
60 Mins
$120 per session
Coaching is a forwarding process, towards goal setting and developing the processes and systems to reach those goals.
ADHD coaching is underpinned by thorough understanding of ADHD as a neurodevelopmental difference
My expertise is unparalleled including professional practice, education and training, framed through multi-faceted lived experiences, and my experience in policy shifting advocacy.
ADHD coaching is not eligible for a Medicare rebate, please contact your private healthcare provider for information on private healthcare rebates
ADHD Coaching & Reiki
(Including parents of under 18's)
90 Mins
$150 per session
Coaching is a forwarding process, towards goal setting and developing the processes and systems to reach those goals.
ADHD coaching is underpinned by thorough understanding of ADHD as a neurodevelopmental difference
My expertise is unparalleled including professional practice, education and training, framed through multi-faceted lived experiences, and my experience in policy shifting advocacy.
This service includes distance Reiki healing which can be used at the start of the session or at the end, the choice is yours. Reike at the start of the session can help frame the session and give me important insights to use in the session. Altenatively you may wish to receive the Reiki healing at the end of the session for rest and recuperation, or even have it released at a different time of day.
Choose whatever you feel guided towards.
ADHD coaching is not eligible for a Medicare rebate, please contact your private healthcare provider for information on private healthcare rebates
ADHD Presentations*
*Booking terms and conditions apply*
$450 per hour
Sarah facilitated a fabulous session for staff that was informative and very well received. Staff commented that her session was very useful with practical insights that could be implemented into each of their classrooms
(Deputy Principal WA High School)
Please email me on and state the specific focus required for the presentation/workshop, eg. ADHD general information, ADHD accommodations, ADHD manifestations, ADHD barriers etc. Please also include a suggested date (if possible) and the duration of presentation/workshop required.
Strategy Consultations
I welcome inquiries to address barriers for persons with ADHD, advance solutions and manifest change for individuals, society, sectors, business and agencies.
I hold professional memberships with the Australian Association for ADHD Professionals (AADPA), ADHD WA, The Centre for Universal Design Australia, and the International Coaching Federation.
My passion to work with marginalised groups is inspired by lived and professional expertise, underpinned by academic study and practice.
$120 per hour (Initial session)
I offer a unique insight into systemic barriers to social and financial inclusion, and outcomes for persons with ADHD. Example systemic barriers include translations in educational policy and practice, and the National Disability Insurance Scheme. My advocacy enables me to align ratifications within the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD), and the opportunities for affecting societal change for persons with ADHD.
My passion to work with marginalised groups is inspired by lived and professional expertise, underpinned by academic study and practice, and a robust understanding of commonwealth policy, to advance solutions and manifest change.
My Universally Designed service provision strives to model concepts, and processes, for equitable access to learning and life outcomes.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Max Planck
For corporate, consultations or professional inquiries, please email me to arrange a Google Meet:
A few words on coaching children (under 18's)
Children with ADHD are usually impacted by expectations already exceeding their capacity.
Therefore parents should access my services to develop their own capacity, as parents and for their personal well-being.
Parental capacity has never been more stretched, I understand that too.
Many variables in a child's life can affect ADHD symptom severity and manifestations. These include sleep, relationships, co-existing conditions, medication, transitions, the list goes on.
Everyone within a child's circle of support must understand how ADHD shows up in a child's life. I am developing the tools to enhance multi-disciplinary working to help achieve this.
My experience of teaching in the UK included multi-disciplinary working, as part of 'Every Child Matters' - an initiative to safeguard children's well-being. I have extensive personal experience of this matter also.
I get it
West Australian based international service provision
via Google Meet teleconferencing
Drop down to see Google Meet information
Google Meet is an online video or voice conferencing app.
Google Meet is accessed from downloading the app on a mobile device, computers don't need to download anything.
When you book an appointment you will receive an appointment confirmation in your emails, including an invite with the necessary information. Invited guests can join an online video conference from their computer using any modern web browser—no software to install.
If you are on a mobile device then Download from Google Play or Apple Store. If you use your laptop you won't need to download anything.
To join the meeting at the arranged time, tap the meeting link from the invite, enter the meeting code from your host, or call into the meeting using the dial-in number and PIN in the invite. Further information will be detailed in your confirmation email.
What a man can be, he must be.
This is a need we call self-actualisation
Abraham Maslow
The key to ADHD success? Find the courage to be who you are. This means shaping your life to fit your impulsiveness, distractibility, high energy and need for stimulation.
Lara Honos-Webb
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